Standing on the horizon waiting....

A 20's something athlete looking to figure out life, and over coming obsticles.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Rising to the Breast Cancer 3 Day Challenge

2007 was a very rough year for me. The ending of a relationship, health concerns, and the loss of a good friend and running partner a few days after Christmas. I found myself overwhelmed, feeling lost and in a daze. I wanted to find something that could occupy my time, and keep my mind busy. As I was driving to work about 2 weeks ago I heard a commercial for the breast cancer 3 day walk. This is something I have always wanted to do but never did. That morning I decided that the 3 day walk would be my challenge and inspiration.

"There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet"

I've started my training, I am feeling good and it's giving me something to look forward to. I have a few friends joining me in the journey in September. It's nice to have other's to keep you motivated....especially in this freezing winter.

Last night I met up with a friend at sunset and we went for our walk. It was freezing(12 degrees) but truly beautiful. On the final mile of our walk the full moon was shinning over the river. It just about took my breath away.

I am looking forward to the challenge, and the journey a head. If they can fight cancer, then I can walk 60 miles to raise money for it.


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