I'm not mad, I'm just broken
I'm not mad, I'm just broken. Sometimes words cut harder then you think they would. The fight has been over for 24 hours, yet his words still bellow in my head. It wasn't a fight where there was yelling, it was calm. It was a fight in which I was losing. I bit my cheek as hard as I could so I wouldnt cry. I feel like showing more emotions just added to the storm that had exploded in my bedroom. I remained calm, my voice shook when I spoke, but I never raised my voice, or got up and walked away, although there were so many times when I wanted to. In the end, I need to figure myself out. Why do I act the way that I do? Do I have a pattern that I need to break? I am going to do my best to figure it all out.
When the storm blew over he gave me a hug and told me it was going to be ok. I felt like I was shattering.
I left the room for a few hours to pull myself together. I made dinner, and watched a movie. When it was time for him to go to work he came into the living room gave me a hug. He told me he loved me and that "we are going to be ok, we are ok. " He gave me a kiss and went to work for the night.
I went to bed broken, still upset by the words said. I woke at 2am when he called to see how I was doing, and wanted to say goodnight.
Despite the fight he is amazing!
This is part of the journey. Ups and downs...it's life!
When the storm blew over he gave me a hug and told me it was going to be ok. I felt like I was shattering.
I left the room for a few hours to pull myself together. I made dinner, and watched a movie. When it was time for him to go to work he came into the living room gave me a hug. He told me he loved me and that "we are going to be ok, we are ok. " He gave me a kiss and went to work for the night.
I went to bed broken, still upset by the words said. I woke at 2am when he called to see how I was doing, and wanted to say goodnight.
Despite the fight he is amazing!
This is part of the journey. Ups and downs...it's life!